OTRS: POP3S on new Gmail account doesn’t work

I’ve just spend 45min figuring out why there is no way to get OTRS fetch mails from a new gmail account by POP3S.
The only error was “Failed to authenticate login john@doe.com on pop.gmail.com.” but user and password were both correct.

How to get it working:

  1. Make sure you have POP3 enabled in the settings tab of your Gmail mailbox
  2. It was required to enable insecure apps in account security because POP3S is using SSL (an older version of the protocol than TLS) which is insecure and deprecated. See how to enable insecure apps https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255
  3. The trick that was harder to find was that it was required to unblock it as well, which could be done on https://accounts.google.com/b/0/DisplayUnlockCaptcha

This was the Debug output that helped me get there

Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> Net::POP3::_SSLified
Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> Net::Cmd(2.29)
Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> Exporter(5.68)
Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> Net::POP3::_SSL_Socket
Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> IO::Socket::SSL(1.965)
Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> IO::Socket::INET6(2.71)
Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> IO::Socket(1.36)
Net::POP3::_SSLified>>> IO::Handle(1.34)
Net::POP3::_SSLified=GLOB(0x1728ef8)<<< +OK Gpop ready for requests from X.X.X.X e63maswerdsf123uy
Net::POP3::_SSLified=GLOB(0x1728ef8)>>> USER john@doe.com
Net::POP3::_SSLified=GLOB(0x1728ef8)<<< +OK send PASS
Net::POP3::_SSLified=GLOB(0x1728ef8)>>> PASS ....
Net::POP3::_SSLified=GLOB(0x1728ef8)<<< -ERR [AUTH] Web login required: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754
Failed to authenticate login john@doe.com on pop.gmail.com





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